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Julia Tutwiler—Reformer

bullet Going, Allen J. Bourbon Democracy in Alabama, 1874-1890. 1951. Reprint edition, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1992.

Excellent coverage of late nineteenth-century political and economic issues; contains a great deal of information on the state's prison system.

bullet Pannell, Anne Gary and Dorothea E. Wyatt. Julia Tutwiler and Social Progress in Alabama. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1961.

The standard biography. It is particularly good for Tutwiler's upbringing and education.

bullet Pruitt, Paul M. Jr. "The Education of Julia Tutwiler: Background to a Life of Reform." Alabama Review 46 (July 1993): 199-226.

Covers Tutwiler's life up to the beginning of her prison reform years.

bullet __________. "Julia S. Tutwiler: Years of Experience." Alabama Heritage 23 (Winter 1992): 31-39.

Covers Tutwiler's years as an educator and prison reformer.

bullet __________. "Julia S. Tutwiler: Years of Innocence." Alabama Heritage 22 (Fall 1991): 37_44.

Covers Tutwiler's childhood and education.

bullet Rogers, William Warren, Robert David Ward, Leah Rawls Atkins, and Wayne Flynt. Alabama: The History of a Deep South State. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1994.

The definitive history of the state. Part II (1865-1920) includes coverage of Tutwiler's years as a public figure.