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Alabama Religion
in the 20th Century

bullet gif Elovitz, Mark H. A Century of Jewish Life in Dixie: The Birmingham Experience. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1974.

An examination of German and Eastern European Judaism in Alabama's largest city.

bullet gif Flynt, Wayne. Alabama Baptists. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998.

The most recent and exhaustive history of white Baptists in the state.

bullet gif Flynt, Wayne. Chapter on Alabama. Religion in the Southern States: A Historical Study. Edited by Samuel S. Hill. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1983.

A brief overview of religion in Alabama

bullet gif Lazenby, Marion E. History of Methodism in Alabama and West Florida. Published 1960.

A solid study of Methodism, primarily in southern Alabama.

bullet gif Marshall, James W. The Presbyterian Church in Alabama. Edited by Robert Strong. Mont- gomery: Presbyterian Historical Society of Alabama, 1977.

An overview of Presbyterians in Alabama.

bullet gif West, Anson. A History of Methodism in Alabama. Nashville: Publishing house of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1893.

An older survey of Methodism in the state.

Suggested Activities

Refer to "Alabama's Musical Heritage" in the Supplemental Resources section for information on gospel and other religious music in Alabama.